Sanoma Utbildning is among the top three publishing companies for learning materials in Sweden. We offer materials which range from preschool to university, but we also publish literature for the business community. Our focus is to continuously develop both physical and digital learning materials for all our subjects from mathematics, language and social studies to history, law and management literature.
Sanoma Utbildning consists of colleagues that are passionate about developing teaching in schools. Most of our team members, from editors to authors in particular, are teachers!
This has allowed us to work in a very creative way when developing a pedagogically and well thought out content for our teachers, in order to give all students the opportunity to reach their very best potential. Therefore, we can proudly say that we produce market-leading teaching materials!

Sanoma Utbildning
Sanoma Utbildning has a strong market position with 20% market share in the fragmented market for learning materials in Sweden. We hold the position as market leaders in math and mother tongue. Bingel is the most used digital learning platform in the Swedish primary schools today and recently we successfully launched Kampus, our platform for digital learning materials for secondary education.