The learning platform designed for teaching
At itslearning we believe the best way to build a platform that teachers love is to work closely with teachers. Their feedback and ideas help us build a better platform every day - an intuitive LMS that effectively connects teachers and students at all levels of education.

itslearning LMS
Our learning platform gives teachers all the important tools they need for teaching in one secure login. The LMS has inbuilt tools that automate routine tasks saving teachers incredible amounts of time. Time that they can instead use to focus on guiding their students. itslearning is highly customizable and supports learning objectives aligned teaching and personalized education.
Additionally, the platform’s reporting and analytics tools make it easier for data informed teaching in today’s evolving classrooms.
To see what our platform can do, start by taking our product demo tour.
Our platform gives teachers all the most important tools they need for teaching in one secure login. It automates administrative routines, enables users to speed through daily tasks and personalize education for each learner while staying aligned to learning objectives. We constantly collaborate with teachers to create new features and add functionality that complement the way teaching is changing and evolving.

A unique collaboration platform created specifically for Danish primary and lower secondary schools. SkoleIntra provides teachers, administrators, students and parents a comprehensive collaboration and learning platform. SkoleIntra include PersonalIntra (portal for school staff), ElevIntra (students portal), ParentsIntra (parent portal) and SkolePorten (website solution for schools).